20 Rugsėjis 2024
Venezuelan Interior Minister: We have arrested a fourth American citizen who took pictures of military units
The current of water swept away four children, including one from the Gramoven neighborhood, in Catia
US Department of State: .@SecBlinken spoke with Venezuelan democratic opposition leaders @EdmundoGU and @MariaCorinaYA, commending their commitment to democracy. The Secretary reiterated that the U.S. continues to press for a return to democratic freedoms in Venezuela and respect for the will of voters
The UN Mission for Venezuela revealed on September 17 that it was able to confirm that in the first days of the post-election protests in the country at least 158 children were detained and some of them suffered from disabilities
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Maria Corina Machado after new report from the UN Mission: "Those responsible for the crimes must be brought to international justice"
Maduro's government delivers a protest note to the EU after Borrell's "interventionist" statements
Strong power outage recorded in Caracas and major regions of Venezuela
Venezuela says it has arrested six foreigners, including a US Navy SEAL, for an alleged CIA plot to kill President Maduro. US rejects it as a categorically false
JAV valstybės departamentas: Venesueloje sulaikytas JAV karinis personalas, Vašingtonas žino nepatvirtintus pranešimus apie dar du sulaikytus piliečius
Venezuela announces the arrest of two Spaniards for an alleged plot against President Maduro
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Venezuelan Foreign ministry summoned the Spanish ambassador in Caracas and called for consultations with its representative in Spain
Ispanijos gynybos ministras Maduro vyriausybę vadina „diktatūra" ir pagerbia pabėgusius venesueliečius
Blinken: "The United States is taking action today to promote accountability for Maduro and his representatives for obstructing a competitive and inclusive presidential election in Venezuela and for violating the human rights of the Venezuelan people"
JAV įvardija, kad beveik 2000 žmonių „galimai gali turėti vizų apribojimus, nes kenkia demokratijai Venesueloje".
Pedro Sánchez demands to have "room for mediation" with Venezuela in response to Congress's request to recognize Edmundo González. "Asylum is still a gesture of humanity, of humanitarian commitment of Spanish society"
Spanish Congress will recognize Edmundo González as president-elect of Venezuela with the vote of the Basque Nationalist Party
Spain's Congress meets to vote on a Popular Party initiative seeking to recognize Edmundo González as the winner of the Venezuelan elections
Edmundo González after seeking asylum in Spain: "I did it so that things would change and we could build a new era for Venezuela. You know that I have always defended the democratic values of peace and freedom"
Edmundo González after seeking asylum in Spain: "My commitment is not based on personal ambition, this decision is a gesture that reaches out to everyone and I hope that it is reciprocated as such"
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Opposition sources confirm to Caracas Chronicles that Edmundo González Urrutia was granted a safe passage by the Maduro government and left the country after being granted asylum in Spain. He is currently flying to Madrid
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Paraguay urged Venezuela to respect international standards after revoking authorization to Brazil
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Maria Corina Machado: "We are determined to move forward with serenity, courage and firmness until the end. The truth is with us and will set us free"
Brazil confirms that it will continue to guard the Argentine embassy in Caracas until another State takes over and defends the inviolability of the diplomatic headquarters1 savaitę prieš
Brazil confirms that it will continue to guard the Argentine embassy in Caracas until another State takes over and defends the inviolability of the diplomatic headquarters
Maduro government confirms that it has unilaterally revoked permission for Brazil to guard the Argentine Embassy in Caracas1 savaitę prieš
Maduro government confirms that it has unilaterally revoked permission for Brazil to guard the Argentine Embassy in Caracas
SEBIN officers surrounding the Argentine embassy in Caracas this morning, the embassy is under the protection of Brazil after the Argentinian staff left the country last month1 savaitę prieš
SEBIN officers surrounding the Argentine embassy in Caracas this morning, the embassy is under the protection of Brazil after the Argentinian staff left the country last month
1 savaitę prieš
Strong power outage recorded in Greater Caracas and other regions of Venezuela
Blinken arrives in the Dominican Republic for a visit days after the seizure of Maduro's plane1 savaitę prieš
Blinken arrives in the Dominican Republic for a visit days after the seizure of Maduro's plane
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Uruguay will join a complaint against Venezuela in the International Criminal Court
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US Department of Defense confirms detention of Navy soldier in Venezuela
2 savaitę prieš
Strong power outage recorded in Greater Caracas and other regions of Venezuela