Ławrow: Nawiążemy stosunki z Ameryką Łacińską, niezależnie od tego, jak negocjowane są gwarancje bezpieczeństwa
3 rok temuCaracas: At this time a fire is developing in La Paz, adjacent to a chivera in Libertador municipality. Fire Department Capital and PNB on site
The war in Arauca leaves 42 dead, but the fighting takes place in Venezuela: governor (e)
Merideños protested to demand the freedom of the seven detainees at the San Juan gas station
Wenezuela może udzielić Rosji pomocy wojskowej i technicznej w przypadku zwiększonej presji ze strony Stanów Zjednoczonych – powiedział ambasador Rosji w Caracas.
US Department of State: We call on the Maduro government to unconditionally release U.S. citizen and Marine veteran Matthew Heath. Matthew has been wrongfully detained in Venezuela for 500 days, and his family have suffered long enough
Putin i Maduro nie rozmawiali w czwartek o lokalizacji rosyjskich baz wojskowych w Wenezueli - Pieskow
Fire of great magnitude in Guacara: Firefighters extinguish the flames
Fire of great magnitude in Guacara: Firefighters extinguish the flames
Putin in a phone call with Maduro discussed cooperation and joint projects between Russia and Venezuela, - the Kremlin said
The PCV made an alarming complaint last 10 Jan. One of its militants, José Urbina, was assassinated that day in his own home in Apure state.
3 rok temuVenezuela leader @NicolasMaduro (no longer recognized by the US) is "more than a dictator," says @POTUS
Three indigenous people injured during a protest in Bolívar due to attacks by an armed group
3 rok temuSignificant power outage has knocked out internet connectivity across much of Venezuela; real-time network data show national connectivity collapse from ~1 p.m. local time; incident ongoing
Maduro assures that he will remain in power until 2030 to achieve an "irreversible Bolivarian revolution"
An official of the Municipal Police of Zamora, Miranda state, identified as Dryanoy Orlando Guarata Espinoza, died in a confrontation between uniformed men and armed subjects.
Venezuela: The first PNB commando was deployed in Barrancas del Orinoco after armed clashes
Kreml o rozmieszczeniu rakiet w Wenezueli i na Kubie: Rosja rozważa różne opcje zapewnienia własnego bezpieczeństwa
@jguaido remembered the police officer Oscar Pérez on the fourth anniversary of his death, which occurred in the midst of an operation by the armed forces of the Maduro government.
3 rok temuMass military deployment to Apure, a C-130 and a Y-8 transport plane delivered hundreds of soldiers to Guasdualito in Apure and the 92 Caribe brigade. It looks like they might be deploying in response to FARC again
A week has passed since the militarization of Barrancas del Orinoco, a town in southern Monagas where an armed incursion left seven dead and two wounded
3 rok temuRussian Federal Security Service Tupolev Tu-154M RSD982 heading back to Moscow via Argel after a tour in the Caribbean
3 rok temuVenezuela military intercepts narco aircraft in Zulia
IN ANZOÁTEGUI: Firefighters still work to control flames after explosion of fuel pipe beginner
The VTV announcer at this time assures that the information that indicates that Russia does not rule out the mobilization of troops to Cuba and Venezuela is fake news
Asked about the possibility of Russia moving troops into Latin America (clear violation of Monroe Doctrine between), @JakeSullivan46 says that possibility wasn't raised in discussions but "if Russia were to move in that direction, we would deal with it decisively"
3 rok temuFuel pipe explosion forced the eviction of communities in rural area of Barcelona
@hrw_espanol on military operation in Apure: "There were execution of at least four peasants, arbitrary arrests and the trial of civilians in military courts, as well as the torture of neighbors accused of collaborating with armed groups"
Riabkow o rozmieszczeniu rosyjskiej infrastruktury wojskowej na Kubie i Wenezueli: Nie chcę niczego potwierdzać ani wykluczać
Eight countries that include Iran, Venezuela and Sudan have lost their right to vote at the United Nations because of unpaid dues