5 Octombrie 2024
Padrino López held a meeting with M/G Rodríguez Cabello, sole Authority of Guayana Esequiba
Guyana seeks the support of foreign diplomats in its territorial dispute with Venezuela
10 lună înapoi
A helicopter from the Guyana Defense Force, with 8 soldiers, disappears in an area in dispute with Venezuela
The Attorney General of Venezuela just issued arrest warrants against a litany of opposition figures and exiles: Juan Guaidó; Henry Alviarez; Claudia Macero; Roberto Abdul; Pedro Urruchurtu; Yon Goicoechea; David Smolansky; Carlos Vecchio; Lester Toledo; Leopoldo López
The president of Guyana, Irfaan Ali, is currently saying on national television in his country that the measures announced by Maduro tonight are an "imminent threat." Says UN Secretary General and other leaders have been informed and announces
New official map of Venezuela revealed: The Claim Zone is replaced by Guayana Esequiba and the lines are removed
President of Guyana warns of "defense cooperation with the US" if Maduro takes action in Essequibo
Maduro will grant licenses for oil exploitation in the area disputed with Guyana
María Corina Machado hopes to "confront Chavismo and defeat it": "Maduro is in the weakest position in his history"
Maduro proposes to the National Assembly to approve a Special Law that decrees environmental protection areas and new National Parks in Guayana Esequiba
Maduro proposes a law that prohibits the hiring of companies that operate or collaborate in the concessions given by Guyana in the sea to be delimited over the Essequibo
Maduro orders Social Care Plan for the population of Guayana Esequiba and creation of the Saime office: "to carry out a census and deliver identity cards to its inhabitants"
Maduro orders the creation of the PDVSA-Essequibo and CVG-Esequibo divisions: "and immediately proceed to grant operating licenses for the exploration of oil, gas and mines in the entire area"
Maduro appoints M/G Rodríguez Cabello as the sole Authority of Guayana Esequiba, whose political-administrative headquarters will be located in Tumeremo
Maduro a activa dezbaterea și aprobarea, în Asamblea Nacională, de Ley Orgánica para la Creación de la Guayana Esequiba: a făcut entrega de la propunerea de Ley
Maduro orders the creation of the "Commission for the Defense of Essequibo": it will be chaired by Delcy Rodríguez
Maduro calls María Corina Machado, Henrique Capriles and Juan Guaidó "far-right caste": "Criminals for hire"
Maduro rejects the US position on Essequibo: "Venezuela spoke in the referendum the voice of the people is mandatory and binding"
10 lună înapoi
Brazil mobilizes more than 600 soldiers to its borders due to tensions between Venezuela and Guyana
Maduro reiterates the 'binding' nature of the referendum on the Essequibo: "It is an overwhelming victory beyond any forecast"
"This referendum is binding and I abide by the decision of the people," emphasized the head of state Maduro before the opinion matrix of international media that ignore the Venezuelan Constitution.
President Maduro participates in the Act of notification of the will of the Venezuelan people in the consultative referendum in defense of Guayana Esequiba
Venezuela votes to 'incorporate' disputed territory in neighboring Guyana, according to official results
A Venezuelan man has been arrested after the Venezuelan military found he was hiding an R-73 air to air missile at his house in Guárico10 lună înapoi
A Venezuelan man has been arrested after the Venezuelan military found he was hiding an R-73 air to air missile at his house in Guárico
Lula da Silva on dispute over Essequibo: "I hope that common sense prevails on the side of Venezuela and Guyana"
Consultative Referendum: Maduro has already exercised his right to vote in the consultative referendum for Essequibo
The US warns that "there are hours left" in the deadline given to the Maduro government to begin the process of releasing prisoners and lifting disqualifications
The vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, handed out flyers about the defense of Essequibo in the Las Mercedes urbanization, in the Baruta municipality of Miranda state10 lună înapoi
The vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, handed out flyers about the defense of Essequibo in the Las Mercedes urbanization, in the Baruta municipality of Miranda state
10 lună înapoi
Brazilian troops are reportedly moving towards the border with Venezuela as reports of clashes circulating around near disputed Guyana-Essequibo region. U.S. Army deployed some of the leadership for the 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade (SFAB) to Guyana over the weekend. The SFAB team met with Guyana Defense Force (GDF) leadership in order to plan out enhanced military cooperation together
10 lună înapoi
The Brazilian Armed Forces have reportedly been placed on a heightened state of readiness due to a significant movement of military equipment and personnel in eastern Venezuela on the Guyana border that has recently been detected, and officials believe that Venezuela could soon invade the small South American region.