3 Октябрь 2024
1,800 prisoners from the Fénix prison in Barquisimeto rise up in protest: they denounce the director of the center for being violent and refusing dialogue6 месяц назад
1,800 prisoners from the Fénix prison in Barquisimeto rise up in protest: they denounce the director of the center for being "violent and refusing dialogue"
Maduro affirms that extremist formulas like Milei or Bolsonaro will not come to power in Venezuela. The political power of the country will not be taken by a puppet of Álvaro Uribe, Iván Duque or the Colombian oligarchy.6 месяц назад
Maduro affirms that "extremist formulas like Milei or Bolsonaro will not come to power" in Venezuela. "The political power of the country will not be taken by a puppet of Álvaro Uribe, Iván Duque or the Colombian oligarchy."
6 месяц назад
State Department: We condemn the arbitrary arrests and warrants issued today for members of the democratic opposition in Venezuela. Maduro's escalating attacks on civil society and political actors are totally inconsistent with Barbados Accord commitments but will not stifle the democratic
6 месяц назад
María Corina Machado: "Venezuelans, I ask you for strength and courage in these difficult times. Today, more than ever, we need to be united and firm to continue moving towards our goals"
6 месяц назад
María Corina Machado: "The Maduro government unleashes brutal repression against my campaign teams, These cowardly actions aim to close Venezuela's path towards change and freedom in peace and democracy"
6 месяц назад
Polce arrested Henry Alviarez, National Organization Coordinator of Maria Corina Campaign Command, and Dignora Hernández, Political Coordinator. Arrest warrants issued against several other members of the National Command, including Maria Corina Campaign Chief, Magalli Meda.
6 месяц назад
"Russia remains an acute threat & seeks to increase its foothold by bolstering authoritarian governments in Cuba Nicaragua & Venezuela" per @Southcom's Gen Richardson
7 месяц назад
Секретарь Совбеза России Патрушев в столице Никарагуа Манагуа провел консультации по вопросам безопасности с представителями Никарагуа, Кубы, Венесуэлы и Боливии, заявил о готовности Москвы оказывать всемерную поддержку латиноамериканским друзьям, сообщила пресс-служба аппарата СБ РФ
7 месяц назад
Turkey’s Fidan meets Maduro in Caracas, Venezuela
Министр иностранных дел России Лавров прибыл в Каракас после визита в Гавану7 месяц назад
Министр иностранных дел России Лавров прибыл в Каракас после визита в Гавану
7 месяц назад
Venezuela gives UN staff 72 hours to leave country
7 месяц назад
Guyana says Venezuela military is on the move again near their joint border
Aviacon Zitotrans IL-76 cargo aircraft landed at Caracas Maiquetia airport this morning, arriving from Nouakchott, Mauritania. The aircraft left Moscow on February 7th and made stops in Sochi and Tunisia before flying from Mauritanian to Venezuela7 месяц назад
Aviacon Zitotrans IL-76 cargo aircraft landed at Caracas Maiquetia airport this morning, arriving from Nouakchott, Mauritania. The aircraft left Moscow on February 7th and made stops in Sochi and Tunisia before flying from Mauritanian to Venezuela
7 месяц назад
The US condemns the attack on María Corina Machado's campaign event: "It is urgent to implement all the elements of the Barbados agreement"
8 месяц назад
Colombian Ambassador to Venezuela: "Solutions must be sought for Venezuela, but not through imposition or force"
8 месяц назад
Reuters: The Brazilian army reinforces the border with Venezuela and Guyana due to the Essequibo
Reuters- Venezuela's exports of crude and refined products fell by 25% in January to some 624,000 barrels in 24 hours (bpd) as power outages hit the country's main oil export terminal8 месяц назад
Reuters- Venezuela's exports of crude and refined products fell by 25% in January to some 624,000 barrels in 24 hours (bpd) as power outages hit the country's main oil export terminal
8 месяц назад
Maduro: "Alert for the FANB. Be prepared for whatever comes out to defend the Constitution"
8 месяц назад
Venezuelan President Maduro said that he will soon visit St. Petersburg
8 месяц назад
The Biden administration will restore sanctions on Venezuela’s energy sector in April if the country upholds its ban on Maria Corina Machado from running for president, two US officials said
8 месяц назад
Military destroys five structures used for illegal mining in southern Venezuela
Maria Corina Machado is banned from running in the presidential election and is banned by Maduros Supreme Court from holding any elected position for 15 years8 месяц назад
Maria Corina Machado is banned from running in the presidential election and is banned by Maduros Supreme Court from holding any elected position for 15 years
Candidate @MariaCorinaYA arrives in Altamira. In her first words she affirms that a deed is coming and insists that he will go to the end8 месяц назад
Candidate @MariaCorinaYA arrives in Altamira. In her first words she affirms "that a deed is coming" and insists that he will go "to the end"
On this historic day we find ourselves in the streets of Venezuela says María Corina Machado, from La Castellana, in the Chacao municipality.8 месяц назад
"On this historic day we find ourselves in the streets of Venezuela" says María Corina Machado, from La Castellana, in the Chacao municipality.
María Corina Machado arrived in Altamira to launch the Great National Alliance8 месяц назад
María Corina Machado arrived in Altamira to launch the "Great National Alliance"
María Corina Machado (@MariaCorinaYA), from Plaza Belgium: Let's go together, let's go to the end8 месяц назад
María Corina Machado (@MariaCorinaYA), from Plaza Belgium: "Let's go together, let's go to the end"
Maduro orders the Venezuelan military to conduct 'defensive actions' in the Atlantic in response to the Royal Navy Offshore Patrol Vessel 'HMS Trent' visiting Guyana9 месяц назад
Maduro orders the Venezuelan military to conduct 'defensive actions' in the Atlantic in response to the Royal Navy Offshore Patrol Vessel 'HMS Trent' visiting Guyana
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro orders more than 5,600 military personnel to participate in a defensive exercise, after Britain said it was sending a Royal Navy warship to waters off neighboring Guyana9 месяц назад
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro orders more than 5,600 military personnel to participate in a "defensive" exercise, after Britain said it was sending a Royal Navy warship to waters off neighboring Guyana
9 месяц назад
Alex Saab will be released by agreement between the governments of the United States and Venezuela. Joe Biden's government will exchange Maduro's designated figurehead for eight Americans imprisoned in Venezuela
9 месяц назад
Yván Gil, Foreign Minister of Venezuela: "The former empire, invader and slaveholder, which illegally occupied the territory of Guayana Esequiba insists on intervening in a territorial controversy that they themselves generated