20 September 2024
Chavez statue reportedly toppled by protestors in Coro, Falcon state1 månad sedan
Chavez statue reportedly toppled by protestors in Coro, Falcon state
1 månad sedan
Venezuelan National Guard officials physically attack and arrest a young man who was protesting in Las Mercedes, Caracas
Venezuelan Foreign Ministry: "Given this disastrous precedent, it decides to withdraw all diplomatic personnel in Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Panama, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay, at the same time, to demand that these governments immediately withdraw their representatives from Venezuelan territory."
Venezuelan Foreign Ministry: "Venezuela expresses its firmest rejection of the interfering actions and statements of a group of right-wing governments, subordinate to Washington"
Police reportedly dispersing protesters in Caricuao, Caracas
Protesters attempting to knock down a propaganda board by Maduro in La California1 månad sedan
Protesters attempting to knock down a propaganda board by Maduro in La California
1 månad sedan
Thousands of Venezuelans take to the streets of the largest poor neighborhood in Caracas to protest against the electoral victory of Maduro
Avenida Francisco de Miranda in the area of La California. These people are walking from Petare, where there are protests against the election results announced by the CNE1 månad sedan
Avenida Francisco de Miranda in the area of La California. These people are walking from Petare, where there are protests against the election results announced by the CNE
Massive crowd out in the streets in Los Teques1 månad sedan
Massive crowd out in the streets in Los Teques
Large crowd of protesters face to face with military outside a Venezuelan airbase1 månad sedan
Large crowd of protesters face to face with military outside a Venezuelan airbase
A Maduro election poster was torn down by protestors in San Jacinto, in northern Barquisimeto1 månad sedan
A Maduro election poster was torn down by protestors in San Jacinto, in northern Barquisimeto
National guard officers (GNB) watch as protestors light tyres on fire on the Caracas - La Guaira highway
Maduro warns "conspirators, those involved and those who endorse" the operation against the results of 28 July elections. "This time the Constitution and the Law will be respected and neither hatred nor fascism will be imposed," he stated
The Carter Center asks the CNE to "immediately" publish the detailed electoral results of each polling station
The US accuses Maduro of "depriving the results of the presidential elections of credibility"
In La Dolorita, Petare, Caracas, after the cacerolazo, large sectors of the community demonstrating in rejection of the announcement of Maduro's victory. The police remain expectant1 månad sedan
In La Dolorita, Petare, Caracas, after the cacerolazo, large sectors of the community demonstrating in rejection of the announcement of Maduro's victory. The police remain expectant
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Panama puts diplomatic relations with Venezuela on "suspense" after the elections
Tarek William Saab links Lester Toledo, Leopoldo López and María Corina with the "attack on the CNE transmission system" "Prosecutors are collecting evidence of these actions that attempted to adulterate the results"
The US postpones decision-making on Venezuela, including the possibility of imposing new sanctions, until it sees the voting records
Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab; will announce new actions of the Public Ministry of national interest
"Pots and pans banging" protest reported in Caricuao, Caracas, and across Venezuela, a day after the presidential elections
1 månad sedan
Brazilian Foreign Ministry "expects CNE results broken down by table" for transparency and credibility of the results
Loud banging of pots and pans reported in Petare, one day after the presidential elections in Venezuela1 månad sedan
Loud banging of pots and pans reported in Petare, one day after the presidential elections in Venezuela
Elon Musk, on the elections in Venezuela: great electoral fraud by Maduro1 månad sedan
Elon Musk, on the elections in Venezuela: "great electoral fraud by Maduro"
The VOX party demands the immediate release of the Spanish journalist Cake Minuesa, detained in Venezuela
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The United Kingdom asks for "detailed results" in Venezuela to guarantee the transparency of the presidential elections
María Corina "Venezuela has a new president and it is Edmundo González"
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German Foreign Ministry: The announced election results are not enough to dispel doubts about the vote count in Venezuela. We call for the publication of detailed results for all polling stations and access to all voting and election documents for opposition and observers
Iran congratulates Maduro on his victory in the elections and "renews support to strengthen bilateral cooperation"
1 månad sedan
China recognizes Maduro's re-election after "successful organization" of elections
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The Kremlin regarding the re-election of the Venezuelan president: We are working to develop relations in all areas, including sensitive ones
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Putin congratulated Maduro
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Josep Borrel: The people of Venezuela voted on the future of their country in a peaceful and massive way. Your will must be respected. It is vital to ensure full transparency of the electoral process, including detailed vote counting and access to polling station voting records.
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Guatemala, ruled by a leftist president, will not recognize a Maduro victory in Venezuela
Panama  will not recognize a Maduro victory in Venezuela, stating enough is enough1 månad sedan
Panama will not recognize a Maduro victory in Venezuela, stating "enough is enough"
1 månad sedan
Uruguay will not recognize a Maduro victory in Venezuela
Venezuela opposition leaders @MariaCorinaYA and @EdmundoGU claim victory in the presidential elections, stating they have the numbers to back it up
Peru will NOT recognize Maduro's claimed victory in Venezuela
Costa Rica refuses to recognize a Maduro victory in Venezuela1 månad sedan
Costa Rica refuses to recognize a Maduro victory in Venezuela
US Secretary of State Blinken says 'serious concerns' Venezuela election result does not reflect will of the people
Chile is the first country to come out with a statement rejecting the proclaimed victory of Maduro in Venezuela
Maduro is declared winner in Venezuela's presidential election amid opposition claims of irregularities
Venezuela government says with 80% of vote in, Maduro has 51.2% and opposition candidate has 44
Elvis Amoroso announces the first CNE bulletin, with 80% of tables counted and 59% participation: - Maduro 5,150.09 votes - 51.20% - Edmundo González 4,445,978 votes - 44.02%
Argentina's president Javier Milei: "DICTATOR MADURO, OUT!!! Venezuelans chose to end the communist dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro. The data announce a crushing victory for the opposition and the world is waiting for it to recognize defeat after years of socialism, misery, decadence and death. Argentina is not going to recognize another fraud, and hopes that the Armed Forces this time will defend democracy and the popular will. Freedom Advances in Latin America."
María Corina Machado after exercising her right to vote: What we are seeing is the most important civic act in the history of Venezuela1 månad sedan
María Corina Machado after exercising her right to vote: "What we are seeing is the most important civic act in the history of Venezuela"
Padrino López after exercising his right to vote: "There has been no incident worth mentioning." "The projection that I hope is that the process ends as it is developing: in peace, with civility, tranquility," he stated.
The candidate Daniel Ceballos arrives at the Andrés Bello High School and is received with boos. Voters shout "out", "sold", "scorpion"
Polling stations open for the presidential elections in Venezuela
1 månad sedan
VenezuelaChoose: This is the Juan Pablo II school in California Sur, Miranda state. All voting stations are active
GUAYANA CITY: 8:15 am report of incidents at the EB Primero Mayo II in San Félix "the machine at table 2 was damaged, after 2 people voted and the power went out in the sector"
#VenezuelaElige In Caracas reported a delay in the opening of some voting centers but the authorities in the schools assure that they are about to open
Cilia Flores and Maduro woke up early to vote: "I recognize and will recognize the referee"
VenezuelaElige: At 5am voters in the Rivas Dávila municipality in the state of Mérida sang the national anthem, waiting for the opening time of the center