9 March 2025
Venezuelan opposition puts an end to the figure of the interim government of Juan Guaidó, who tried since 2019 to challenge the Maduro government. The decision adds 72 votes in favor and 29 against in the National Assembly elected in 2015
Chevron sending two oil tankers to Venezuela under U.S. approval
Venezuela will have a GLONASS station, the contract for its deployment was signed in Caracas following the results of the intergovernmental commission of Russia and Venezuela
President Maduro sends condolences to relatives of soldiers who died in Amazonas
On Tuesday, the Presidents of Venezuela and Colombia signed a declaration on bilateral cooperation in border security and the fight against drug trafficking, among others.
President @NicolasMaduro receives @petrogustavo at the Presidential Palace in Caracas for the first bilateral meeting since the reestablishment of political and diplomatic relations between Venezuela and Colombia
Ex Venezuela mayor Jhonnatan Marin sentenced today to 27 months in prison after a sharp reduction for what prosecutors called "substantial assistance." Marin's attorney says Marin "devoted money, time and close connections" to help the US-backed opposition replace Maduro
Bolívar: The miners of Imataca, in the Sifontes municipality, denounced the military for stealing their gold and food, and burning a Christian church in their community.2 year ago
Bolívar: The miners of Imataca, in the Sifontes municipality, denounced the military for stealing their gold and food, and burning a Christian church in their community.
First group of Venezuelans being expelled back to Mexico via new DHS T42 rule in van-to-van transfer from BP to INM in middle of international bridge between Eagle Pass and Piedras Negras
At least one person died after a landslide in Las Tejerías due to heavy rains this Saturday in Aragua
Colombia will resume peace talks with the ELN next month with Venezuela, Cuba and Norway acting as guarantor states
Falcón: Maduro ordered the installation of military bases in the Paraguaná Peninsula to combat drug trafficking
AFP: Venezuela and Colombia restore diplomatic relations after a 3-year hiatus
Maduro orders the reconstruction of a new supertanker yard in Matanzas: Cuba knows that it has all the support
2 year ago
Fishermen in Sucre have been beaten, injured by firearms and stripped of their boat's engines by sea pirates off the coast of Paria.
Strong explosion in Boleíta: firefighters attend an emergency in the Mirandina town
Murder of young Bolivian in Antofagasta sparks protests and burning of Venezuelan belongings2 year ago
Murder of young Bolivian in Antofagasta sparks protests and burning of Venezuelan belongings
The U.S. includes Venezuela in a list of six countries under a new "D" travel warning, which means the country has a risk of wrongful detention by the government, joining China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and Burma
Maduro called to denounce police abuses "whoever they come from"
2 year ago
Two soldiers and two civilians were injured during a clash that occurred on the Charallave-Ocumare highway
Maduro Government: "The promotion should not mean recognition, but more self-demand, the promotion should mean more revolutionary, Bolivarian commitment, more efficiency, discipline, creativity"
2 year ago
"There is information that Iván Márquez was looking to leave Venezuela at any cost", affirmed the Minister of Defense of Colombia about the leader of the dissident cells of the FARC who died on Venezuelan soil.
President Duque: "We have a relationship of Siamese brothers with Venezuela. We have already welcomed almost two million migrants in our territory, but clearly Maduro is a criminal against humanity"
"Maduro cannot enter Colombia, into the possession of Gustavo Petro, while I am the president": Iván Duque.
Venezuelan military practicing for the July 5th Independence Day parade at Los Próceres Venezuela
2 year ago
France wants oil from Iran, Venezuela back on the market: Macron's office
Apure: Firefighters from Apure arrived by public transport to put out the fire of a micro-bus on Paseo Libertador. Tobos did their job, taking rainwater from the street for not having equipment. 15Jun - @pregonapure1
2 year ago
Khamenei: Iran & Venezuela have closer ties with each other than any other country. The Islamic Republic of Iran has proven that when dangers arise for its friends, Iran takes risks & helps its friends
2 year ago
Khamenei: We welcome the signing of the 20-year Document of Cooperation between Iran & Venezuela. The cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran & the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela should become stronger & relations closer than before
2 year ago
Khamenei: The Venezuelan govt and nation's victorious fight against the US and its all-out hybrid war on Venezuela, plus Mr. Maduro & the Venezuelan nation's resistance, are invaluable. Resistance raises a nation's & its leaders' status & esteem. The US views Venezuela differently today